APEC-LSIF Global Supply Chain Integrity
As the medical products industry has become more globalized and specialized, APEC economies must increasingly rely on the global marketplace to provide the medical products needed to keep citizens healthy while ensuring that access to legitimate products is not disrupted. In an effort to address this modern issue, regulators, industry stakeholders, representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations, and academics from across the globe have come together to develop the “Roadmap to Promote Global Medical Product Quality and Supply Chain Security” project which is a collaborative multi-year project commissioned by APEC.
USP APEC Centre of Excellence
The United States Pharmacopeia’s mission is to help protect and improve the health of people around the world. From the standards it creates to the partnerships it fosters, USP continually works to build and reinforce a foundation that draws it closer to a world where everyone can be confident of quality in health and healthcare.